The Sensitive Touch

11th International Congress of the F. M. Alexander TechniqueChicago, USA29 July – 4 August 2018The Congress Papers, p. 216-220STAT Books, UK THE SENSITIVE TOUCH This paper is based on a workshop that took place at the Congress during which I worked with...

Sei connessa?

Questa mattina stavo lavorando con una mia paziente sdraiata sul tavolo (dovrei dire allieva, visto che si trattava di una lezione di Tecnica Alexander) e mentre le tenevo il braccio destro sospeso, muovendolo delicatamente, mi chiede: Paolo, mi puoi dire a cosa...

Touch and Feeling

9th International Congress of the F. M. Alexander TechniqueLugano, SwitzerlandAugust 7-13, 2011The Congress Papers, p. 193-196STAT Books, UK TOUCH AND FEELING Abstract The aim of this workshop was to explore the hands on relationship, with particular attention to the...

Feeling Hands

8th International Congress of the F. M. Alexander TechniqueContinuous Learning FacultyLugano, Switzerland10-16 August 2008The Congress Papers, Vol 1, p. 159-168STAT Books, UK FEELING HANDS Abstract What do you feel when you put your hands on a pupil? This simple...