da Paolo Frigoli | 15 Settembre 2019 | AT Congress
11th International Congress of the F. M. Alexander TechniqueChicago, USA29 July – 4 August 2018The Congress Papers, p. 216-220STAT Books, UK THE SENSITIVE TOUCH This paper is based on a workshop that took place at the Congress during which I worked with...
da Paolo Frigoli | 7 Giugno 2019 | Alexander
Questa mattina stavo lavorando con una mia paziente sdraiata sul tavolo (dovrei dire allieva, visto che si trattava di una lezione di Tecnica Alexander) e mentre le tenevo il braccio destro sospeso, muovendolo delicatamente, mi chiede: Paolo, mi puoi dire a cosa...
da Paolo Frigoli | 15 Settembre 2012 | AT Congress
9th International Congress of the F. M. Alexander TechniqueLugano, SwitzerlandAugust 7-13, 2011The Congress Papers, p. 193-196STAT Books, UK TOUCH AND FEELING Abstract The aim of this workshop was to explore the hands on relationship, with particular attention to the...
da Paolo Frigoli | 10 Settembre 2009 | AT Congress
8th International Congress of the F. M. Alexander TechniqueContinuous Learning FacultyLugano, Switzerland10-16 August 2008The Congress Papers, Vol 1, p. 159-168STAT Books, UK FEELING HANDS Abstract What do you feel when you put your hands on a pupil? This simple...